1887-1890 Old Judge
The Goodwin Company's baseball series depicts hundreds of ballplayers from more than 40 major and minor league teams as well as boxers and wrestlers. The cards (approximately 1 1/2" by 2 1/2") are actually photographs pasted onto thick cardboard. The pictures are sepia in color with either a white or pink cast. The cards are blank backed and are found either numbered or unnumbered, with or without a copyright date, and with hand printed or machine printed names. All known cards have the name "Goodwin Co., New York" at the base of the card. The cards were marketed during the period 1887-1890 in packs of "Old Judge" and "Gypsy Queen" cigarettes. The set tends to be checklisted alphabetically for simplicity. Over 2300 variations of Goodwin cards are known to exist.
Insertion Ratios
Cards | Total Cards | Numbered To | Hobby Odds | Retail Odds |
Base | 575 | - | N/A | N/A |
Base Set
1 Gus Albert
2 Charles Alcott
3 Alexander
4 Myron Allen
5 Bob Allen
6 Uncle Bill Alvord
7 Varney Anderson
8 Ed Andrews: Phila.
9 Ed Andrews and Buster Hoover
10 Wally Andrews
11 Bill Annis
12A Cap Anson: Chicago In uniform
12B Cap Anson: Chicago Not in uniform
13 Old Hoss Ardner
14 Tug Arundel: Indianapolis-Whites
15 Jersey Bakley: Cleve.
16 Clarence Baldwin: Cincinnati
17 Mark Fido Baldwin: Chicago-Columbus
18 Lady Baldwin: Detroit
19 James Banning: Wash.
20 Samuel Barkley: Pittsburgh-K. C.
21 Bald Billy Barnie: Mgr. Baltimore
22 Charles Bassett: Indianapolis-N. Y.
23 Charles Bastian: Phila.-Chicago
24 Charles Bastian and Schriver: Philadelphia
25 Ebenezer Beatin: Cleve.
26 Jake Beckley: Eagle Eye Whites-Pittsburgh
27 Stephen Behel Spotted Tie
28 Charles Bennett: Detroit-Boston
29 Louis Bierbauer: A's
30 Louis Bierbauer and Robert Gamble: Athletics
31 Bill Bishop: Pittsburgh-Syracuse
32 William Blair: A's-Hamiltons
33 Ned Bligh: Columbus
34 Bogart: Indianapolis
35 Boyce: Washington
36 Jake Boyd: Maroons
37 Honest John Boyle: St. Louis-Chicago
38 Handsome Henry Boyle Indianapolis-N. Y.
39 Nick Bradley: K. C.- Worchester
40 George Grin Bradley Sioux City
41 Stephen Brady Spotted Tie
42 E. L. Breckinridge: Sacramento PCL
43 Timothy Brosnan: Minneapolis
44 Timothy Brosnan Sioux City
45 Cal Broughton: St. Paul
46 Big Dan Brouthers: Detroit-Boston
47 Thomas Brown: Pittsburgh-Boston
48 California Brown: New York
49 Pete Browning: Gladiator Louisville
50 Charles Brynan: Chicago-Des Moines
51 Al Buckenberger MG: Columbus
52 Dick Buckley: Indianapolis-N. Y.
53 Charles Buffington: Philadelphia
54 Ernest Burch: Brooklyn-Whites
55 Bill Burdick: Omaha-Indianapolis
56 Black Jack Burdock: Boston-Brooklyn
57 Robert Burks: Sioux City
58 George Burnham Watch Mgr. Indianapolis
59 Burns: Omaha
60 Jimmy Burns: K. C.
61 Tommy Oyster Burns Baltimore-Brooklyn
62 Thomas E. Burns: Chicago
63 Doc Bushong: Brook.
64 Doc Bushong: Browns Champs
65 Patsy Cahill: Ind.
66 Count Campau: Kansas City-Detroit
67 Jimmy Canavan: Omaha
68 Bart Cantz: Whites-Baltimore
69 Handsome Jack Carney Washington
70 Hick Carpenter Cincinnati
71 Cliff Carroll: Wash.
72 Scrappy Carroll: St. Paul-Chicago
73 Frederick Carroll: Pitts.
74 Jumbo Cartwright: Kansas City-St. Joe
75 Bob Caruthers: Parisian Brooklyn
76 Bob Caruthers: Parisian Browns Champs
77 Daniel Casey: Phila.
78 Icebox Chamberlain: St. Louis
79 Cupid Childs: Phila.-Syracuse
80 Bob Clark: Washington
81 Owen Clark: Washington
82 Clarke and Mickey Hughes: Brooklyn Horizontal
83 William Dad Clarke: Chicago-Omaha
84 Pete Connell: Des Moines
85 John Clarkson: Chicago-Boston
86 Jack Clements: Philadelphia
87 Elmer Cleveland: Omaha-New York
88 Monk Cline: K. C.-Sioux City
89 Cody: Des Moines
90 John Coleman: Pittsburgh - A's
91 Bill Collins: New York-Newark
92 Hub Collins: Louisville-Brooklyn
93 Charles Comiskey: Browns Champs
94 Commy Comiskey: St. Louis-Chicago
95 Roger Connor: Script
96 Roger Connor: New York
97 Richard Conway: Boston-Worchester
98 Peter Conway: Det.-Pitts.-Ind.
99 James Conway: K. C.
100 Paul Cook: Louisville
101 Jimmy Cooney: Omaha-Chicago
102 Larry Corcoran: Indianapolis-London
103 Pop Corkhill: Cincinnnati-Brooklyn
104 Cannon Ball Crane: New York
105 Samuel Crane: Wash.
106 Jack Crogan: Maroons
107 John Crooks: Whites-Omaha
108 Lave Cross: Louisville-A's-Phila.
109 Bill Crossley: Milw.
110 Joe Crotty Spotted Tie
111 Joe Crotty: Sioux City
112 Billy Crowell: Cleveland-St. Joe
113 Jim Cudworth: St. Louis-Worchester
114 Bert Cunningham: Baltimore-Phila.
115 Tacks Curtis: St. Joe
116 Ed Cushman Spotted Tie
117 Ed Cushman: Toledo
118 Tony Cusick: Mil.
119 Vincent Dailey: Oakland PCL
120 Edward Dailey: Phil.-Wash.-Columbus
121 Edward Dailey: Columbus
122 Bill Daley: Boston
123 Con Daley: Boston-Indianapolis
124 Abner Dalrymple: Pittsburgh-Denver
125 Tom Daly: Chicago-Wash.-Cleve.
126 James Daly: Minn.
127 Law Daniels: K. C.
128 Dell Darling: Chicago
129 Wm. Darnbrough: Denver
130 D. Davin: Milwaukee
131 Jumbo Davis: K. C.
132 Pat Dealey: Wash
133 Thomas Deasley: New York-Washington Throwing
134 Thomas Deasley Fielding
135 Edward Decker: Phil.
136 Big Ed Delahanty: Philadelphia
137 Jeremiah Denny: Indianapolis-New York
138 James Devlin: St. L.
139 Thomas Dolan: Whites-St. Louis-Denver
140 Jack Donahue: San Francisco PCL
141 James Donahue Spotted Tie
142 James Donahue: K. C.
143 James Donnelly: Washington
144 Charles Dooley: Oakland PCL
145 J. Doran: Omaha
146 Michael Dorgan: N. Y.
147 Cornelius Doyle: San Fran. PCL
148 Homerun Duffe: St. L.
149 Hugh Duffy: Chicago
150 Dan Dugdale: Maroons-Minneapolis
151 Duck Duke: Minn.
152 Sure Shot Dunlap: Pittsburgh
153 J. Dunn: Maroons
154 Jesse Cyclone Duryea St. Paul-Cinc.
155 John Dwyer: Chicago-Maroons
156 Billy Earle: Cincinnati-St. Paul
157 Buck Ebright: Wash.
158 Red Ehret: Louisville
159 R. Emmerke: Des Moines
160 Dude Esterbrook: Louisville-Ind.-New York
161 Henry Esterday: K. C.-Columbus
162 Long John Ewing: Louisville-N. Y.
163 Buck Ewing: New York
164 Buck Ewing and Mascot: New York
165 Jay Faatz: Cleveland
166 Clinkgers Fagan: Kansas City-Denver
167 William Farmer: Pittsburgh-St. Paul
168 Sidney Farrar: Philadelphia
169 John Moose Farrell: Wash.-Baltimore
170 Charles Duke Farrell Chicago
171 Frank Fennelly: Cincinnati-A's
172 Chas. Ferguson: Phila.
173 Colonel Ferson: Washington
174 Wallace Fessenden: Umpire National
175 Jocko Fields: Pitts.
176 Fischer: Maroons
177 Thomas Flanigan: Cleve.-Sioux City
178 Silver Flint: Chicago
179 Thomas Flood: St. Joe
180 Flynn: Omaha
181 James Fogarty: Philadelphia
182 Frank Monkey Foreman Baltimore-Cinc.
183 Thomas Forster: Milwaukee-Hartford
184 Elmer E. Foster Spotted Tie
185 Elmer Foster: New York-Chicago
186 F. W. Foster Spotted Tie (sic) T. W. Forster
187 Scissors Foutz: Browns Champ
188 Scissors Foutz: Brooklyn
189 Julie Freeman: St. L.-Milwaukee
190 Will Fry: St. Joe
191 Fred Fudger: Oakland PCL
192 William Fuller: Milwaukee
193 Shorty Fuller: St. Louis
194 Christopher Fullmer: Baltimore
195 Christopher Fullmer and Tom Tucker: Baltimore Horizontal
196 Honest John Gaffney: Mgr. Washington
197 Pud Galvin: Pitts.
198 Robert Gamble: A's
199 Charles Ganzel: Detroit-Boston
200 Frank Gid Gardner: Phila.-Washington
201 Gid Gardner and Miah Murray: Washington Horizontal
202 Hank Gastreich: Columbus
203 Emil Geiss: Chicago
204 Frenchy Genins: Sioux City
205 William George: N. Y.
206 Move Up Joe Gerhardt All Star-Jersey City
207 Pretzels Getzein: Detroit-Ind.
208 Lee Gibson: A's
209 Robert Gilks: Cleve.
210 Pete Gillespie: N. Y.
211 Barney Gilligan Washington-Detroit
212 Frank Gilmore: Wash.
213 Pebbly Jack Glasscock Indianapolis-N. Y.
214 Kid Gleason: Phila.
215 Brother Bill Gleason A's-Louisville
216 William Bill Gleason Browns Champs
217 Mouse Glenn: Sioux City
218 Michael Goodfellow: Cleveland-Detroit
219 George Gore Pianolegs New York
220 Frank Graves: Minn.
221 William Greenwood: Baltimore-Columbus
222 Michael Greer: Cleveland-Brooklyn
223 Mike Griffin: Baltimore-Phila NL
224 Clark Griffith: Milwaukee
225 Henry Gruber: Cleve.
226 Addison Gumbert: Chicago-Boston
227 Thomas Gunning: Philadelphia-A's
228 Joseph Gunson: K. C.
229 George Haddock: Washington
230 William Hafner: K. C.
231 Willie Hahm: Chicago Mascot
232 William Hallman: Philadelphia
233 Billy Hamilton: Kansas City-Phila.
234 Willie Hamm and Ned Williamson: Chicago
235 Frank Hankinson: Spotted Tie
236 Frank Hankinson: Kansas City
237 Ned Hanlon: Det.-Boston-Pitts.
238 William Hanrahan: Maroons-Minn.
239 A. G. Hapeman: Sacramento PCL
240 Pa Harkins: Brooklyn-Baltimore
241 William Hart: Cinc.-Des Moines
242 Wm. Hasamdear: K. C.
243 Colonel Hatfield: New York
244 Egyptian Healey: Wash.-Indianapolis
245 Egyptian Healey Washington
246 J. C. Healy: Omaha-Denver
247 Guy Hecker: Louisville
248 Tony Hellman: Sioux City
249 Hardie Henderson: Brook.-Pitts.-Balt.
250 Hardie Henderson and Michael Greer: Brooklyn
251 Moxie Hengle: Maroons-Minneapolis
252 John Henry: Phila.
253 Edward Herr: Whites-Milwaukee
254 Hunkey Hines: Whites
255 Paul Hines: Wash.-Indianapolis
256 Texas Wonder Hoffman: Denver
257 Eddie Hogan: Cleve.
258 William Holbert Spotted Tie
259 William Holbert: Brooklyn-Mets-Jersey City
260 James Bugs Holliday: Des Moines-Cinc.
261 Charles Hoover: Maroons-Chi.-K. C.
262 Buster Hoover: Phila.-Toronto
263 Jack Horner: Milwaukee-New Haven
264 Jack Horner and E. H. Warner: Milwaukee
265 Michael Horning: Boston-Balt.-N. Y.
266 Pete Hotaling: Cleveland
267 William Howes: Minn..-St. Paul
268 Dummy Hoy: Washington
269 Nat Hudson: Browns Champ
270 Nat Hudson: St. Louis
271 Mickey Hughes: Brk.
272 Hungler: Sioux City
273 Wild Bill Hutchinson: Chicago
274 John Irwin: Wash.-Wilkes Barre
275 Cutrate Irwin: Phila.-Boston-Wash.
276 A. C. Jantzen: Minn.
277 Frederick Jevne: Minn.-St. Paul
278 John Johnson: K. C.-Columbus
279 Richard Johnston: Boston
280 Jordan Minneapolis
281 Heinie Kappell: Columbus-Cincinnati
282 Sir Timothy Keefe: New York
283 Tim Keefe and Danny Richardson: Stealing 2nd Bas
284 George Keefe: Wash.
285 James Keenan: Cinc.
286 Mike King Kelly $10000 Chic-Boston
287 Honest John Kelly: Mgr. Louisville
288 Kelly: Umpire Western Association
289 Charles Kelly: Philadelphia
290 Kelly and Powell: Umpire and Manager Sioux City
291 Rudolph Kemmler: Browns Champ
292 Rudolph Kemmler: St. Paul
293 Theodore Kennedy: Des Moines-Omaha
294 J. J. Kenyon: Whites-Des Moines
295 John Kerins: Louisville
296 Matthew Kilroy: Baltimore-Boston
297 Charles King: St. L.-Chi.
298 Aug. Kloff: Minn.-St. Joe
299 William Klusman: Milwaukee-Denver
300 Phillip Knell: St. Joe-Phila.
301 Fred Knouf: St. Louis
302 Charles Kremmeyer: Sacramento PCL
303 William Krieg: Wash.-St. Joe-Minn.
304 William Krieg and Aug. Kloff: Minneapolis
305 Gus Krock: Chicago
306 Willie Kuehne: Pittsburgh
307 Frederick Lange: Maroons
308 Ted Larkin: A's
309 Arlie Latham: Browns Champ
310 Arlie Latham: St. Louis-Chicago
311 John Lauer: Pittsburgh
312 John Leighton: Omaha
313 Rube Levy: San Fran. PCL
314 Tom Loftus MG: Whites-Cleveland
315 Herman Germany Long Maroons-K. C.
316 Danny Long: Oak. PCL
317 Tom Lovett: Omaha-Brooklyn
318 Bobby Link Lowe: Milwaukee
319 Jack Lynch Spotted Tie
320 John Lynch: All Stars
321 Dennis Lyons: A's
322 Harry Lyons: St. L.
323 Connie Mack: Wash.
324 Joe Reddie Mack: Louisville
325 James Little Mack Macullar: Des Moines-Milwauk
326 Kid Madden: Boston
327 Daniel Mahoney: St. Joe
328 Willard Grasshopper Maines: St. Paul
329 Fred Mann: St. Louis-Hartford
330 Jimmy Manning: K. C.
331 Charles Lefty Marr: Col.-Cinc.
332 Mascot Willie Breslin: New York
333 Samuel Maskery: Milwaukee-Des Moines
334 Bobby Mathews: A's
335 Michael Mattimore: New York-A's
336 Albert Maul: Pitts.
337 Albert Mays Spotted Tie
338 Albert Mays: Columbus
339 James McAleer: Cleveland
340 Thomas McCarthy: Phila.-St. Louis
341 John McCarthy: K. C.
342 James McCauley: Maroons-Phila.
343 William McClellan: Brooklyn-Denver
344 John McCormack: Whites
345 Big Jim McCormick: Chicago-Pittsburgh
346 Mc Creachery: Mgr. Indianapolis
347 James Chippy McGarr: St. Louis-K. C.
348 Jack McGeachy: Ind.
349 John McGlone: Cleveland-Detroit
350 James Deacon McGuire Phila.-Toronto
351 Bill McGunnigle: Mgr. Brooklyn
352 Ed McKean: Cleveland
353 Alex McKinnon: Pittsburgh
354 Thomas McLaughlin Spotted Tie
355 John Bid McPhee: Cincinnati
356 James McQuaid: Denver
357 John McQuaid: Umpire Amer. Assoc.
358 Jame McTamany: Brook.-Col.-K. C.
359 George McVey: Mil.-Denver-St. Joe
360 Peter Meegan San Fran. PCL
361 John Messitt: Omaha
362 George Doggie Miller Pittsburgh
363 Joseph Miller: Omaha-Minneapolis
364 Jocko Milligan: St. Louis-Phila.
365 E. L. Mills: Milwaukee
366 Minnehan: Minneapolis
367 Samuel Moffet: Ind.
368 Honest Morrell: Boston-Washington
369 Ed Morris Cannonball: Pittsburgh
370 Morrisey: St. Paul
371 Tony Count Mullane: Cincinnati
372 Joseph Mulvey: Philadelphia
373 P. L. Murphy: St. Paul
374 Pat J. Murphy: New York
375 Miah Murray: Wash.
376 James Truthful Mutrie: Mgr. N. Y.
377 George Myers: Indianapolis-Phila.
378 Al Cod Myers: Washington
379 Thomas Nagle: Omaha-Chi.
380 Billy Nash: Boston
381 Jack Candy Nelson: SPOT
382 Kid Nichols: Omaha
383 Samuel Nichols: Pittsburgh
384 J. W. Nicholson Maroons-Minn.
385 Tom Nicholson Parson Whites-Cleveland
386 Nicholls Nicol Browns Champ
387 Hugh Nicol: Cinc.
388 Hugh Nicol and Long John Reilly: Cincinnati
389 Frederick Nyce Whites-Burlington
390 Doc Oberlander Cleveland-Syracuse
391 Jack O'Brien Brooklyn-Baltimore
392 William O'Brien: Washington
393 William O'Brien and John Irwin: Washington
394 Darby O'Brien: Brooklyn
395 John O'Brien: Cleve.
396 P. J. O'Connell: Omaha-Des Moines
397 John O'Connor: Cincinnati-Columbus
398 Hank O'Day: Washington-New York
399 O'Day Sacramento
400 James O'Neil: St. Louis-Chicago
401 James O'Neil: Browns Champs
402 Norris
403 Orator O'Rourke: New York
404 Thomas O'Rourke: Boston-Jersey City
405 David Orr Spotted Tie
406 David Orr: All Star-Brooklyn-Columbus
407 Parsons: Minneapolis
408 Owen Patton: Minn.-Des Moines
409 James Peeples: Brooklyn-Columbus
410 James Peeples and Hardie Henderson: Brooklyn
411 Hip Perrier: San Francisco PCL
412 Patrick Pettee: Milwaukee-London
413 Patrick Pettee and Bobby Lowe: Milwaukee
414 Dandelion Pfeffer: Chi.
415 Dick Phelan: Des Moines
416 William Phillips: Brooklyn-Kansas City
417 John Pickett: St. Paul-K. C.-Phila.
418 George Pinkney: Brooklyn
419 Thomas Poorman: A's-Milwaukee
420 Henry Porter: Brooklyn-Kansas City
421 James Powell: Sioux City
422 Tom Powers: San Francisco PCL
423 Bill Purcell: Blondie Baltimore-A's
424 Thomas Quinn: Baltimore
425 Joseph Quinn: Des Moines-Boston
426 Old Hoss Radbourne: Boston Portrait
427 Old Hoss Radbourne: Boston Non-portrait
428 Shorty Radford: Brooklyn-Cleveland
429 Tom Ramsey: Louisville
430 Rehse: Minneapolis
431 Long John Reilly: Cincinnati
432 Charles Reilly: Princeton St. Paul
433 Charles Reynolds: Kansas City
434 Hardie Richardson Detroit-Boston
435 Danny Richardson: New York
436 Charles Ripslager Spotted Tie
437 John Roach: New York
438 Wilbert Robinson Uncle Robbie: A's
439 M. C. Robinson: Minn.
440 Yank Robinson: St. Louis
441 Wm. Yank Robinson: Browns Champs
442 George Rooks: Maroons-Detroit
443 James Chief Roseman SPOT
444 Davis Rowe: Mgr. K. C.-Denver
445 Jack Rowe: Detroit-Pittsburgh
446 Amos Hoosier Thunderbolt Rusie: Ind.-New York
447 Amos Rusie New York
448 James Ryan: Chicago
449 Henry Sage: Des Moines-Toledo
450 Henry Sage and William Van Dyke: Des Moines-Tole
451 Sanders: Omaha
452 Al Ben Sanders: Philadelphia
453 Frank Scheibeck: Detroit
454 Albert Schellhase: St. Joseph
455 William Schenkle: Milwaukee
456 Bill Schildknecht: Des Moines-Milwaukee
457 Gus Pink Whiskers Schmelz Mgr. Cincinnati
458 Lewis Schoeneck Jumbo: Maroons-Indianapolis
459 Pop Schriver: Phila.
460 John Seery: Ind.
461 William Serad Cincinnnati-Toronto
462 Edward Seward: A's
463 George Orator Shafer Des Moines
464 Frank Shafer: St. Paul
465 Daniel Shannon: Omaha-L'ville-Phila.
466 William Sharsig: Mgr. Athletics
467 Samuel Shaw: Baltimore-Newark
468 John Shaw: Minneapolis
469 William Shindle: Baltimore-Phila.
470 George Shock: Wash.
471 Otto Shomberg: Ind.
472 Lev Shreve: Ind.
473 Ed Baldy Silch: Brooklyn-Denver
474 Michael Slattery: New York
475 Sam Skyrocket Smith: Louisville
476 John Phenomenal Smith Portrait
477 John Phenomenal Smith: Balt.-A's Non-portrait
478 Elmer Smith: Cincinnati
479 Fred Sam Smith: Des Moines
480 George Smith Germany Brooklyn
481 Pop Smith: Pitt.-Bos.-Phila.
482 Nick Smith: St. Joe
483 P. T. Somers: St. Louis
484 Joe Sommer: Balt.
485 Pete Sommers: Chicago-New York
486 William Sowders: Boston-Pittsburgh
487 John Sowders: St. Paul-Kansas City
488 Charles Sprague: Maroons-Chi.-Cleve.
489 Edward Sproat: Whites
490 Harry Staley: Whites-Pittsburgh
491 Daniel Stearns: Des Moines-K. C.
492 Billy Cannonball Stemmyer: Boston-Cleveland
493 B. F. Stephens: Milw.
494 John C. Sterling: Minneapolis
495 Leonard Stockwell S. F. PCL
496 Harry Stovey: A's-Boston
497 C. Scott Stratton: Louisville
498 Joseph Straus: Omaha-Milwaukee
499 John Cub Stricker: Cleveland
500 Marty Sullivan: Chicago-Ind.
501 Michael Sullivan: A's
502 Billy Sunday: Chicago-Pittsburgh
503 Sy Sutcliffe: Cleve.
504 Ezra Sutton: Boston-Milwaukee
505 Ed Cyrus Swartwood: Brook.-D. Moines-Ham.
506 Parke Swartzel: K. C.
507 Peter Sweeney: Wash.
508 Louis Sylvester Sacra. PCL
509 Ed Dimples Tate: Boston-Baltimore
510 Patsy Tebeau: Chi.-Cleve.-Minn.
511 John Tener: Chicago
512 Bill Adonis Terry: Brooklyn
513 Big Sam Thompson: Detroit-Philadelphia
514 Silent Mike Tiernan: New York
515 Ledell Titcomb: N. Y.
516 Phillip Tomney: Louisville
517 Stephen Toole: Brooklyn-K. C.-Rochester
518 George Townsend: A's
519 William Traffley: Des Moines
520 George Treadway: St. Paul-Denver
521 Samuel Trott: Baltimore-Newark
522 Sam Trott and Tommy Oyster Burns: Baltimore Horizontal
523 Tom Foghorn Tucker: Baltimore
524 William Tuckerman: St. Paul
525 Turner: Minneapolis
526 Lawrence Twitchell: Detroit-Cleveland
527 James Tyng: Phila.
528 William Van Dyke: Des Moines-Toledo
529 George Rip Van Haltren Chicago
530 Harry Vaughn: Farmer Louisville-New York
531 Peek-a-Boo Veach: St. Paul
532 Veach: Sacra. PCL
533 Leon Viau: Cincinnati
534 William Vinton: Minneapolis
535 Joseph Visner: Brooklyn
536 Christian Von Der Ahe Owner Browns Champs
537 Joseph Walsh: Omaha
538 John Monte Ward: New York
539 E. H. Warner: Milwaukee
540 William Watkins: Mgr. Detroit-Kansas City
541 Bill Weaver: Farmer Louisville
542 Charles Weber: Sioux City
543 George Weidman Stump: Detroit-New York
544 William Weidner: Columbus
545 Curtis Welch: Browns Champ
546 Curtis Welch: A's
547 Curtis Welch and Bill Gleason: Athletics
548 Smilin'Mickey Welch: All Star-New York
549 Jake Wells: K. C.
550 Frank Wells: Des Moines-Mil.
551 Joseph Werrick: Louisville-St. Paul
552 Milton Buck West: Minneapolis
553 Gus Cannonball Weyhing: A's
554 John Weyhing: Athletics-Columbus
555 Bobby Wheelock: Boston-Detroit
556 Whitacre: A's
557 Pat Whitaker: Balt.
558 Deacon White: Detroit-Pittsburgh
559 William White: Louisville
560 Jim Grasshopper Whitney: Wash.-Indianapolis
561 Arthur Whitney: Pittsburgh-New York
562 G. Whitney: St. Joseph
563 James Williams: Mgr. Cleveland
564 Ned Williamson: Chi.
565 Williamson and Mascot
566 C. H. Willis: Omaha
567 Walt Wilmot: Washington-Chicago
568 George Winkleman: Minneapolis-Hartford
569 Samuel Wise: Boston-Washington
570 William Wolf Chicken Louisville
571 George Dandy Wood: Philadelphia
572 Peter Wood: Phila.
573 Harry Wright: Mgr. Philadelphia
574 Charles Zimmer Chief Cleveland
575 Frank Zinn: Athletics